JUST IMAGINE You wake up one morning with sudden cold-like symptoms: stuffy nose, cough, congestion
You have trouble getting an appointment with your existing doctor and you don’t want to miss time at work by
sitting in an urgent care or ER waiting room.
Join millions of people who have registered for access to immediate online doctor visits.
Setting up your secure account only takes about 15 minutes. Then, you’re ready for your visit.
Member speaks to a Care Coordinator who will triage and update the patient’s Electronic Health Record(EHR) along with all symptoms. you can also schedule your appointment for a time that works for you.
Speak to your doctor on the phone or online. They’ll go through your symptoms, recommend a treatment .
If a prescription is necessary, it’s sent to the pharmacy of your choice.
The doctor will update the member’s EHR immediately after the consultation.
The patient has 24/7 secure access to their member portal.
From medical and therapy to pediatrician our online doctors can help you with more than 80 common conditions
TelerainMD doctors are friendly, caring, compassionate, and experts in conducting virtual medical consultations.